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Remote working set-ups, cancelled conferences, industry seminars and meetings, workplace lock-down policies, possible school closures and bizarre supermarket jostles over toilet paper and mince, may leave some mistakenly thinking that training in organisations, could potentially fall down the list of priorities in this current climate.

It isn’t. Progressive organisations are realising now, more than ever, there is an opportunity to improve their collections and hardship processes and an increased need to protect their brand and build customer loyalty. Companies need to upskill staff to have more genuine and productive conversations and to look after their customers or someone else will!

4 Key Expected Challenges Ahead:

1. Customer support levels may fall, particularly in large organisations, due to reduced call centre capacity as more people self-isolate. As a result, there will be more disgruntled customers. Consequently, staff will need to be upskilled in managing difficult conversations; learning how to use empathy and purpose statements to keep a call ‘grounded’ and on track.

2. Potential hardship cases are expected to rise hitting both the consumer market and small business owners especially hard. Organisations will need specialised training on triggers and red flags so staff are able to better identify, support and assist vulnerable customers.

3. Collection rates could fall if collection processes aren’t adjusted; early intervention will be key in preventing customers falling behind on their payments. Staff will need to be upskilled in having more effective collections conversations at this stage, knowing how to build trust and rapport, using the right language and asking the right questions to engage the customer and maximise payment where possible.

4. Staff morale may be low, organisations will need to proactively introduce well-being and resilience training strategies to help them deal with the constant bombardment of news, the anxiety of an ever-changing situation, loved ones being sick, children at home, and difficult customer calls. Mindfit and well-being training will assist in maintaining good mental health through this time.

Shift to remote training and coaching solutions

External training may be out for the immediate future, but online learning platforms and interactive webinar workshops are most definitely in.

Train the trainer programs will be in high demand, enabling organisations to roll out specialised content internally, and remotely, at their own pace.

Importantly, keeping your team engaged at a time like this is key. Think online daily or weekly huddles with remote workers with short video’s, training tips to share as well as celebrating collective wins.

See the future

What we are seeing right now with COVID-19 is unprecedented in our lifetime, but it will pass. Organisations will emerge stronger for the investment in their staff and customer service, having managed their commercial outcomes to the best of their ability, whilst effectively balancing hardship, vulnerability and the social needs of the community.

At eMatrix, we combine extensive commercial and community sector experience to provide specialised training with a human focus. We are well placed to help organisations brave this storm with a host of engaging training programs delivered remotely. For additional support, our recently developed online learning platform delivers unique ‘train the trainer’ sustainable solutions. Designed for dynamic organisations that want to be ahead of the game.

If you need any help in this area please contact Jodie Bedoya on 0438 391 500.